El inglés en la Institución Educativa Jenaro Díaz Jordán busca promover individuos capaces de desarrollar habilidades comunicativas e interdisciplinarias, que les permitan a los aprendices estar mejor preparado para enfrentarse a los problemas de la cotidianidad, pero sobre todo a ofrecer una “herramienta” indispensable para sus vidas.

miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2011

Huila’s Archaeological Treasure

Haga click sobre la imagen para ampliarla San Agustín Archaeological Park
San Agustín Archaeological Park

In 1995, UNESCO declared San Agustín Archaeological Park a World Heritage Site. It is one of the most important symbols in the department thanks to the amazing works left by millenary, advanced cultures that inhabited the region before the Christian era. This majestic legacy is represented by collections of statues, stone reliefs, funerary mounds, cobblestone roads, embankments, and terraces.
Also part of the San Agustín treasure is Alto de los Ídolos Archaeological Park, in the municipality of Isnos. Standing out are the artificial funerary mounds joined by an embankment – an artificial road of sorts filled with soil. Huila’s archaeological legacy is complemented by La Chaquira, La Pelota, and Purutal hills. In the first one, the carved stone figures located at the edge of the canyon of the Magdalena River are amazing. At La Pelota, figures with interesting details are found, the serpent and the eagle among them. In Purutal, the use of wild plants to color stone works is worth mentioning.

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